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Crystal Moorhouse

Scentsy Selling Tip: Plan Ahead and Prepare Now to Be Successful

June and July are notorious for being slow business months because there are vacations, kids home from school, and hopefully lots of unplanned summer fun. That's why the key to keeping your sales and recruiting where you want them to be during these times is to plan ahead and prepare now to be successful!

For example, our family usually goes on 1-2 vacations each summer, so in May I plan to make samples of the new Scentsy soak, make sure I have enough post cards/hand out cards to give with my sample and make sure I have several catalogs ready to hand out. Then when vacations quickly approach and I'm running short on time trying to get ready to get out of town, all I have to do it grab my things and stick them in my luggage! So easy and always worth it! Vacations are a great time to share the Scentsy love with your Uber driver, hotel service, servers at restaurants, and new friends you meet at the public pool! The possibilities are endless and the key to your success is to prepare now and take them with you to all your outings this summer!

So I want you to think of three thing that you are going to do NOW that will help your business be successful during the summer months and prepare them, well, NOW of course! :)

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If you want to read other Scentsy Selling Tips, click here.

Crystal Moorhouse

Scentsy SuperStar Director & Scentsy's 11th Consultant

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